Argentinian Dog breeds illustration

5 Argentinian Dog Breeds

Out of all the hundreds of dog breeds that have been bred throughout the ages, not all of them are still around. Dog breeds come and go, and they can vary greatly between different parts of the world. The dog breeds you’ll find hailing from Europe or Asia will be entirely different from the breeds you might find from South America, for example.

If you’re looking for information on strange and exotic dog breeds, look no further than these 5 Argentinian dog breeds. You may never have heard of some of these, so get ready to learn all about the exciting breeds that hail from the South American country of Argentina.

1. The Argentine Polar Dog

simba Argentine Polar Dog

Resulting from the crossbreeding of Siberian Huskies, Greenland dogs, Alaskan Malamutes, and the Manchurian Spitz, this beautiful Argentinian breed of dog went extinct in 1994. This was largely in part to the mandate of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic, which required the relocation of these dogs away from protected areas.

The Argentine Polar dog was originally bred by Argentina’s military to serve as a sled dog, which it excelled at because of its arctic heritage. These dogs were heavy and well-built, reaching weights of up to 130 lbs. As such, they were more than capable of pulling large sleds of goods across long distances.

While they were known to be very temperamental dogs, they were always loyal and true companions. They were extremely helpful in winter conditions, being able to pull heavy sleds while also warning travelers of potentially lethal cracks in the ice ahead. ( image credits )

2. Fuegian Dog

2 artist interpretations of Fuegian Dog

Also known as the Yaghan dog, the Fuegian dog is also an extinct breed of dog. This dog was thought to have been the first Argentinian breed of dog. It was originally domesticated by the Yaghan and Selk’nam tribal peoples, where it coexisted peacefully with other wild breeds of dog native to the region.

While the Fuegian was technically a breed of dog, its closest known relative was thought to have been the maned wolf. Some thought it was actually a large fox, and not a dog at all. ( image credits )

Because this breed of dog was never fully domesticated, it did not see a lot of use in security or hunting. It was also known to never become fully attached to its human owners, despite living in their tribal homesteads together with them.

3. Dogo Argentino

dogo argentino by the beachfront

This breed of dog was used for big game hunting and is also the most well-known breed from Argentina. It was used for hunting many native species, such as foxes, wild boars, and pumas. As far as its genetics go, it shares a heritage with the Spanish Mastiff, the Bull Terrier, the Pyrenean, and the Spanish Bulldog.

The Dogo Argentino was also bred for its great physical strength, making it a great contender in dogfighting. The most aggressive of this breed came from the Araucana line, and because they had no sense of smell, were mostly used for dogfighting only.

A far less aggressive breed came later, known as the Guarani, which also had an improved sense of smell. This breed is more akin to the Dogo Argentino that is around in modern times. Despite its gentler nature, it is still used for hunting and as a work dog. Because it works well in a group, it has also been known to be trained for use in the military and law enforcement. However, given proper training, these dogs make patient and loyal pets and are great around adults and children alike.

4. Cordoba Fighting Dog

Cordoba Fighting Dog

Yet another Argentinian breed that is now extinct, this dog breed was a mix between Bull Terriers, Boxers, English Bulldogs, and Mastiffs. It was first bred back in the 20th century in the Argentine province of Cordoba, which is how it got its name. Because they were extremely aggressive and had a high pain threshold, they were popular as fighting dogs.

Their primary use as fighting dogs led to their extinction, with many of them dying in head-to-head fights. It was also difficult to get them to breed, because males and females were overly prone to attacking one another. However, its legacy did not end there. The Cordoba breed was also used in the breeding of the modern-day Dogo Argentino. ( image credits )

5. Argentina Pila Dog

2 Argentina Pila Dogs

Mostly found in the northwestern parts of Argentina today, the Argentina Pila dog is renowned for its extra-soft skin, which is unique because it doesn’t grow any hair on it. This breed is thought to be a descendant of the Peruvian hairless dog. ( image credits )

This dog comes in three different sizes, large, medium, and small. They are agile and known to be able to climb and jump long distances. The Pila dog can come in any color, and interestingly enough, they do not have premolars.

The Argentina Pila dog makes a great pet, being very affectionate and loyal to its owner and toward other pets. They are quite suited to living indoors, even in smaller spaces like apartments. Despite their gentle demeanor, they have a tendency to not trust strangers, which makes them great guard dogs.

Final Thoughts

argentinian flag tattoo with dogo argentino silhoutte

Argentina is known for only a handful of localized dog breeds, most of which we’ve covered today in this article. While some of them have since gone extinct, there are still multiple Argentinian breeds of dog that are around today, and even make great pets.

Hopefully, the information about the breeds we’ve outlined above has answered all your questions about dog breeds that hail from Argentina. For more information on other dog breeds, be sure to check our other articles.

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