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Can Charming Pugs Eat Bananas?

My friends see me as an expert in the world of pugs, so one recently asked, “Can pugs eat bananas?”

While I was confident I knew the answer, I decided to research again.  My research shows that:

Pugs can eat bananas, but always in moderation. Pug can benefit from the range of nutrients like potassium, fiber, manganese, and vitamins B6 and C found in bananas, as these aren’t always easy to get into their diet. Because of its high sugar content, about half a banana per week should be enough for your pug.

Besides finding out whether bananas are good for pugs, I also decided to look up some of the best ways to prepare them.

This article also covers some good recipes for banana dog treats.

Are Bananas Good For Pugs?

3 Yellow Banana Fruits on white background

For several reasons, bananas are an excellent fruit to include in your (and your pug’s) diet.

First, bananas are completely non-toxic to dogs, which is more than you can say for many other human foods.

Also, bananas are a great source of potassium, fiber, manganese, and vitamins B6 and C.

Many of these nutrients are only found in negligible amounts in dog foods, usually only in higher-quality brands. This makes bananas an ideal source of nutrients for your pug.

However, as with any fruit, it’s necessary to only feed in moderation. Remember that pugs are small dogs, so a good portion for them is much smaller than a good portion for a human. I’d recommend only feeding them half a banana per week at most.

The biggest appeal for pugs when it comes to bananas is that they’re sweet.

There aren’t many naturally-occurring sweet food sources in a pug’s diet, so bananas are ideal for use as a motivational treat.

The most important thing to remember is that too much fruit can cause stomach upsets in dogs.

While bananas are a great source of fiber, too much can cause constipation or diarrhea. As for which your pug will get, that’s just the luck of the draw!

I’d always recommend testing your pug with a small amount of banana before making them loads of treats.

Most pugs should be happy to eat a small piece of banana as it is, but you might want to mush it up first.

Also, if you have any concerns about feeding your pug bananas, speak to your vet first. They’ll be able to give you much more specific information.

When Are Bananas Bad For Pugs?

no banana sign

Overall, bananas are pretty good treats for your pug. However, there are some things you need to watch out for, including:

  • It’s unlikely, but your pug might be allergic to bananas. Always give them a small piece to test, and then watch out for any symptoms of an allergic reaction. These include itchy skin, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Calorie content. The reason bananas are so good for us is that they’re high in “good” calories. However, too many bananas will cause your pug to gain weight, so be careful how much you feed them.
  • Stomach upset. Bananas are generally very mild fruit, but dogs with sensitive stomachs can still have issues. I’d probably avoid bananas altogether if you have a sensitive dog or speak with your vet first.
  • Banana peel. While the banana peel isn’t toxic, it can cause intestinal blockage if eaten.

It’s unlikely that your pug will eat banana skin, as it doesn’t taste as good as the fruit inside.

However, at the same time, pugs aren’t fussy eaters, so they might try and nibble on a bit of fresh banana skin.

However, this can cause intestinal blockage because the skin is too thick to be broken down by the digestive system. This is particularly an issue if they manage to eat a large piece of banana peel.

If this happens, watch your pug for any signs of distress. These can include panicked behavior, constipation, constantly squatting to poop but nothing happening, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Monitor them closely for the next 24 hours. Anything they eat will pass then, so if you don’t see any peel come out, you need to contact your vet.

An obstruction in the intestines will have to be removed with surgery if it’s particularly serious.

The easiest way to avoid this is to dispose of the peel immediately after peeling the banana. Your pug might be tricked into thinking it’s food because it smells like a banana, and they love trying new food.

How To Feed Your Pug Bananas

Woman mashing banana in bowl on wooden table

I’ve found the easiest way to feed my pug bananas is to mash a small amount in a bowl and then give it to him.

He’s perfectly happy to eat banana whole, but pugs have a habit of not chewing properly, so he could easily choke on a piece of banana.

Alternatively, another option is to cut the banana into slices about ½ cm thick and then cut these in half.

You want to avoid circular or disc-shaped pieces because these will be the easiest to choke on.

Another option, my second most common method of feeding my pug banana, is to bite a piece off and feed it to them.

This is pretty good for controlling the size and shape of the pieces and means you can easily control portion size.

Finally, if you’ve got a bit more time on your hands or want to treat your pug to something special, you can make several amazing dog treats from bananas.

Many of these contain other super healthy fruit and veg that your pug will love.

Two of my favorite recipes for banana-based dog treats are these sweet potato and banana biscuits or these banana and carrot treats. Both recipes are super easy to make and will last for quite a while if stored properly.

Other DIY Banana Dog Treats For Pugs

banana slices in a bowl

One of the best things about feeding bananas to pugs is that because they’re non-toxic, they make a good base ingredient for dog treats. Any low-sugar, the banana-based vegan recipe would be fine for feeding your pug.

However, if you want to be safer, there are plenty of dog-friendly recipes.

Here are some of the favorites that I like making for my pug:

Frozen banana and pumpkin treats

These treats are great for feeding my pug on hot days because they taste great and keep him cool! What’s more, it’s a really simple recipe that anyone can make.

However, as with any dog treat, try not to feed your pug too many. These still have some sugar, and the fruit and vegetables can still lead to an upset stomach. I’d recommend not feeding your pug more than 2 of these treats a day.


  • One ripe banana
  • 15oz of pumpkin puree (either fresh or canned, but not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 1 cup plain yogurt, ideally non-fat
  • 1 tsp. honey


  1. Put the banana and pumpkin puree in a blender and mix until smooth. This should only take a minute or so.
  2. Alternatively, you can mash by hand using a fork or potato masher. This will take longer, though.
  3. Add the puree mix, yogurt, and honey into a bowl and mix until the ingredients are combined.
  4. Pour into ice cube molds and leave overnight in the freezer.

Peanut butter banana cookies

This recipe is great because it only contains three ingredients and is so easy to make. Also, the treats keep for weeks in an airtight container, but they’ll get eaten long before that.

Always ensure it’s good quality peanut butter and doesn’t contain xylitol. This sweetener is finding its way into peanut butter, which can harm your pug.


  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter (smooth, no added salt)
  • One ripe banana


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Blitz the oats in a food processor until it’s floury.
  • Add peanut butter and banana. Blitz until it’s a dough-like consistency.
  • Roll out until it’s about 3mm thick and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter.
  • Cook on a baking tray for 20-30 minutes. The cookies won’t brown but should be hard and browner underneath.
  • Leave to cool on a wire tray and store in an airtight container.


It’s very helpful to know that pugs can eat bananas.

I discovered that bananas are a great base ingredient for dog treats and contain many essential nutrients you might not find in dog food.

However, it’s always worth remembering to feed your pug bananas in moderation.

There’s nothing worse than your dog having an upset stomach, so it is probably best avoided. Also, keep your pug away from those banana peels!

*Browse More Dog Breeds From China

About the author: Chalene Johnston graduated with honors from University with a BA in psychology. She is a proud stay-at-home mom to her 2-year-old French Bulldog puppy, Stella! When she is not looking for adventure travel destinations, she loves to write! She writes for a wide variety of topics – with animals being one of her favorites.

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