If you’re wondering what kind of dog Marmaduke is from the movie “Marmaduke,” you’ve come to the right place. “Marmaduke” is a classic movie about a dog whose owners just moved to California.
It’s up to him to help them adjust to their new life, and he works together with a feline friend to tackle an array of problems. So, what breed of dog is he then?
Marmaduke is a Great Dane, property of the Winslow’s who have recently moved to California in the movie “Marmaduke.” You can tell that he is a Great Dane by the distinctive features of his build and his great size- standing at around 40 inches tall at the withers and weighing 160 pounds.
But what’s the history behind Marmaduke? Where does he come from and why did the movie directors choose to make him a Great Dane?
We’ll examine all these questions and more throughout this article, so read on to learn all there is to know about the Great Dane Marmaduke.
Marmaduke the Great Dane

Marmaduke is without a doubt a Great Dane in the movie “Marmaduke.” There is no mistaking this based on his sheer size of 40 inches tall on all fours and weighing in at 160 lbs.
It’s no secret that Great Danes are one of the biggest breeds of dog in the world, with some of them known to reach a height of 7 feet tall on their hind legs!
The movie directors also made it clear that Marmaduke has a voracious appetite, just like real-life Great Danes. If you’ve ever owned a Great Dane or known anyone has owned one, you’ll know that it costs a fortune to feed these massive dogs.
Marmaduke has become so popular that some people have come to think the name “Marmaduke” is the actual name of a breed of dog!
This is an easy mistake to make, but Marmaduke is really just his name. He is a Great Dane, not a Marmaduke. Just to make things clear.
Additionally, you may be wondering, “Is Marmaduke a boy or a girl?” It is confirmed in the movie that Marmaduke is a boy.
About Great Danes and Their Many Coats

Great Danes are easygoing and loyal to their owner. Despite their calm and easy demeanor, this German dog breed can present some difficulties when being raised due to its massive size.
Their impressive height, weight, and strength can make them difficult to control and train for some.
Many Danes grow to be 32 inches tall at the shoulder (or up to 40 inches like Marmaduke), towering over most other dog breeds when standing shoulder to shoulder with them.
When standing on their hind legs, they can often be taller than most humans. Even though they are massive, they are also known to be elegant and poised, said to stride with the smooth and easy gait of a nobleman or lady.

Their coats come in varied colorings and patterns, but the best-known combination of both is a black and white patchwork pattern called a “harlequin.” Great Danes have a wide variety of coats, including the following:
- Fawn and Brindle: Fawn is the yellow-gold color seen on some Great Danes, with a black mask coloring covering their snouts. This same black will appear on their eyes, eyebrows, and on their ears. Brindle is the combination of fawn and black in a special pattern, often said to look like a chevron striped pattern.
- Black, Harlequin, Mantle: Black is self-explanatory, where the Great Dane’s coat is one solid glossy black coloring. Harlequin is different in that the base color of the coat is pure white. Black patches will be distributed over the body evenly, almost giving the dog the appearance of a Dalmatian’s coat. Finally, Mantle is a coat that is a mix of white and black with a solid black undercoat throughout.
Great Danes also make great guard dogs, despite their typical gentle disposition.
One reason they’re so good at home security is because of their size; home invaders may take one look at a growling Great Dane and flee right back out the way they came in.
Just imagine encountering Marmaduke in the dead of night. Such a large dog would surely be a formidable sight!
About Marmaduke’s Adventures

Marmaduke was originally a character in a weekly comic strip in the newspaper, which was later adapted to film. In both mediums, we see Marmaduke go on adventures and get into a lot of trouble. Let’s first take a look at the events of the film adaptation.
Marmaduke starts out by showing his family moving to Orange County, California. Life is different there than they’re used to, and it takes some getting used to for all of them.
Marmaduke ends up meeting a motley crew of friends and enemies at the local dog park, including a boisterous Chinese Crested named Giuseppe, a tomboy Australian Shepherd named Mazie, a know-it-all Dachshund named Raisin, and an alluring rough collie named Jezebel.
Marmaduke initially takes a romantic interest in Jezebel, even though she was already dating Bosco, an antagonistic Beauceron with a bone to pick with Marmaduke. Bosco serves as the main antagonist in the film, feeling threatened by Marmaduke’s newfound popularity with the frequenters of the dog park.
When Marmaduke throws a party at his new house, inviting all the dogs from the dog park, Bosco exposes him for faking a fight with Carlos (his feline friend), and he subsequently loses all the new friends he just made.
After his owners return, they are furious to find their house in shambles after Marmaduke’s party. They lock him outside, and feeling alone and guilty, Marmaduke runs away. Out in the woods, Marmaduke encounters an infamous dog, called the Chupadogra by those at the dog park.
He finds that there’s nothing to actually be afraid of though, and Chupadogra (whose name is actually Buster), helps sort out Marmaduke’s problems and convinces him to return home.
Mazie and his other friends are now out helping Marmaduke’s family search for him, and they end up finding him at the same time.
However, Mazie falls into a storm drain and Marmaduke must go after her to save her from drowning. This leads the two to fall in love and reveals that Mazie is Marmaduke’s true romantic interest.
Other Fictional Dogs and Their Breeds

You may be curious what other popular canine characters are also Great Danes. If that’s the case, we can tell you that Scrappy-Doo and Scooby-Doo in the cartoon “Scooby-Doo” by Hanna-Barbera Productions are both canonically Great Danes.
Some other fictional canine protagonists include Snoopy from children’s cartoon “Charlie Brown,” Clifford from PBS’s cartoon “Clifford the Big Red Dog,” Beethoven from the titular live-action movie “Beethoven,”and Jake the Dog from the American animated television series Adventure Time and Benji from a fictional character created by Joe Camp.
If you’re wondering what breeds each of these dogs is modeled after, let us tell you. Snoopy is modeled after a Beagle, Clifford after a Vizsla, and Beethoven after a St. Bernard.
Final Thoughts

Great Danes have made numerous appearances in films, TV shows, and cartoons over the years. The fictional canine character Marmaduke from the film and comic strip “Marmaduke” is also a Great Dane.
Great Dane’s are one the biggest dog breeds in the world but can make great pets if you’re ready to care for such a large animal. Besides their impressive size, they also require a large amount of food and exercise to stay healthy.
If you’ve never seen the movie “Marmaduke,” we recommend you give it a watch. It’s a great, family-friendly movie for the whole family to enjoy. And Marmaduke is a great character that’s loads of fun to watch on the big screen.
Hopefully, we’ve answered all the questions you might have had about Marmaduke, the Great Dane protagonist in the film “Marmaduke.”